Tuesday, 31 October 2017

French Battalion #1

I decided I wanted to start painting Napoleonic figures again. So instead of getting something new I decided to look in the lead pile. I found enough figures to do a 1815 French Battalion. The miniatures are by Elite which I love to paint. I am planning on painting a 6 figure company a week. I will need to get some skirmish figures but that will be a small investment. If I can get this done by christmass I will be happy.

The whole of the battalion.

The first company ready for undercoat. This is the Grenadier company.

Next post tomorrow with the first paint added.

Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Kharkov 43' #4

I have been busy with the Kharkov project. Some new vehicles and figures. Also a set of rules.
The rules I'm going to be using are Battlegroup. I have watched a few batreps on YouTube, and I think they will give me the game I am looking for.

Panzer 3L by Plastic Soldier Company.

The mud effects added.

The start of my collection.

Some of my figures my CP models.

Plastic Soldier Company 251/1c, with CP models Grenadiers.

Well thats the project so far. More vehicles and Infantry and even aircraft to add.

Friday, 6 October 2017

Polish Winged Hussar.

The other day while sorting out some boxes I found a pack of 15mm Essex Polish Winged Hussars. I decided to give one a paint and see what I could do. Well I think it turned out rather good.

It's amazing the detail on this old model. It's inspired me to finish the other 3, and maybe do a small Polish force.

An update at last.

 Thought I'd give an update on my painting progress on the Blog. Posted on various Facebook groups but forget to update here. Bit of a p...