Monday, 5 February 2018

Prussian Fusilier battalion and Dragoons.

Well 2018 didn't start with a bang, more of a cough and sneeze. Well I still managed to get some painting done. Hopefully now thats over I can get back to hobbying.

First up is the Fusilier battalion I painted. It's from the 1st Silesian Regiment. The miniatures are by Calpe which are outstanding as always.

This is just a 12 figure test unit I painted up in a simpler style than normal. It came out better than I thought, so has given me something to think about.

Next I finished a Squadron of Prussian Dragoons. Again miniatures by Calpe, and again outstanding sculpts.

Beautiful figures to paint. Hopefully some more to come.


An update at last.

 Thought I'd give an update on my painting progress on the Blog. Posted on various Facebook groups but forget to update here. Bit of a p...