Friday, 11 December 2020

ACW Confederate Regiment.

Finished a Perry miniatures Confederate Regiment. These are from their excellent plastic range. Go together well, and paint up a treat.
Base as always by Warbase and Tufts from Great Escape Games. Both excellent companies with outstanding service.

Friday, 9 October 2020

Still alive.

 I'm still here. I have not been doing much painting over the lock down. No gaming had taken the wind out of my painting. Still I'm slowly starting to put paint on some miniatures.

This is a  Prussian command stand I painted earlier this year. It sat unbased for a while as my go to base supplier (Warbases) was also in lock down . When I was finally able to order bases again this was first on my list. I went for a 120mm base as I like to give my figures space, rather than cramped on a smaller base. The miniatures are wonderful Calpe miniatures.  The tufts and flowers are from the gamer grass range, which I get from Great Escape Games.

The second base is Prussian courier. Another outstanding Calpe miniature. It comes as a set of 2, so watch out for the other horseman in the future.

I'm still painting Prussian infantryman, plus I have Saxon, Russian and French battalions to paint. Hopefully my enthusiasm for painting will last and I can crack on with my project.

Cheers for now.


An update at last.

 Thought I'd give an update on my painting progress on the Blog. Posted on various Facebook groups but forget to update here. Bit of a p...